Next: Translation Examples, Main: Verilog2VHDL, Previous: System Tasks & Funchtions The following enumerations are supported by version 3.0 of Verilog2VHDL. New features are tagged with a ** . - Data types
- Supported
- wire specification
- ** tri specification
- ** supply0 specification
- ** supply1 specification
- memory declaration
- integer declaration
- time declaration
- real declaration
- reg specification
- parameter declaration
- Not Supported
- nettype(s) tri1, wand, triand, tri0, supply1, wor, trior, trireg
- expandrange for net declaration
- charge strength for net declaration
- drive strength for net declaration
- delay specification for net declaration
- Expressions
- Supported
- operand types : net, register, net bit-select, register bit-select
- binary logical operators:
||, &&, !=, == - binary relational operators:
<, <=, >, >= - operand types : number, time, integer, net part-select, register part-select
- operators:
{}, arithmetic operators, modulus, !, ===,
!==, <<, >>, ?: - unary operators:
&, ~&, |, ~|, ^,
~^ or ^~ - Continuous Assignments
- Supported
- Left hand side : net (vector or scalar), constant bit select of vector net
- Delays of type (rising) only, can be of (min/typ/max) type
- Left hand side : constant part select of vector net, concatenation
- Net declaration Assignment
- Not Supported
- drive strength
- delays of type (rising, falling, turnoff)
- Procedural Assignments
- Supported
- Left hand side : register (vector or scalar), constant bit select of vector register
- Blocking procedural assignment
- Non-blocking procedural assignment
- Delays of type min/typ/max
- Left hand side : constant part select of vector register, memory element, concatenation
- Not Supported
- procedural continuos assignment
- Gate and Switch Level
- Supported
- gate type: and, nand, nor, or, xor, xnor, buf, not, bufif0, bufif1, notif0, notif1
- Delays of type (rising) only, can be of (min/typ/max) type
- Not Supported
- gate type: nmos, pmos, cmos, rnmos, rpmos, rcmos, tran, tranif0, tranif1, rtran, rtranif0, pullup, pulldown
- drive strength
- delays of type (rising, falling, turnoff)
- Behavioral Modeling
- Supported
- always statement
- initial statement
- conditional if-else-if
- case statement
- for statement
- casex, casez statements
- forever, repeat, while
- Sequential Blocks
- tasks
- functions
- Not Supported
- named events
- parallel blocks
- Hierarchical Structures
- Supported
- module
- Ports: input, output, inout
- Module instantiation
- named port connection with concatenated names
- Macromodule
- Not Supported
- Compiler Directives
- System Tasks and Functions
- Supported
- $display
- $fdisplay
- $write
- $fwrite
- $strobe
- $fstrobe
- $readmemh
- $readmemb
- Supported
- %b %d format specification
- std_logic, std_logic_vector, integer type
- $readmem functions: 1 entry per line in memory data file; only '//' type of comments
- Not Supported
- Type conversions for std_logic, std_logic_vector, integer types
- $readmem functions: multiple entries per line in memory data file; '/* */' type of comments
- $time
- $itor
- $rtoi
- Not Supported
- all other system tasks
- all other system functions