Drawing and Editing Waveforms 7 Graphical States: Quickly draw waveforms using the seven graphical states (high, low, weak high, weak low, tri-state, valid and invalid). Clock Support: Clocks are drawn automatically. The user sets the clock rate, duty cycle, jitter and buffer delays. Check timing constraint requirements: Parameters actively move and monitor signal transitions. Block Copy: Copy sections of a waveform and place (insert or overwrite) anywhere in the timing diagram. Time breaks for Time Compression: The time breaks can be used as a graphical display tool or as a true time compression marker. The compressed time still exists, but is not displayed on the screen. There are three different styles of time breaks: dotted, curved and jagged that emulate the most common time breaks used in data books. Multi-Bit Bus Support: Any changes made to the bus will be reflected in the member signals. Map Bus Values to OpCodes: User-defined radix dialog allows you to map state values to "human-readable" names. Scale, Offset and Manipulate Waveform Edges: Waveforms are scaled, offset and manipulated using mathematical formulas from within the timing diagram editor. Other Features: - Multiple Undo/Redo: Undo multiple previous drawing and editing actions.
- Zooming methods: The Zoom Full button displays the entire diagram on one screen. Zoom Range allows you to specify the start and end times you wish to display. Clicking on the timeline and dragging to another point on the timeline allows you to graphically specify the zoom level and range for a section in a large timing diagram.